Friday, October 29, 2010
almost finish my study at secondary school (SMK PENGKALAN LEBAI MAN )
30/10/2010 i never countdown the date when i will meet SPM , this because if i count it , i will be scare and sad i feel i just need try my best and done well in spm only .....
one day and one day gone like that only ......the time for me to stay in pengkalan lebai man had been shorter and shorter ,the day that i can meet you all decrease linearly (physic concept) with the day that i can stay in smk plm . after this month everyone will fly away to catch up their dreams ,me also include in the group.
therefore after this month i cant meet you all like usually at school ....i cant chat with your guys at canteen , cant duty with you all , cant catch some of you go to bilik disiplin already , cant go in and out and chat with teachers in staf room , cant take photo with you all , cant celebrate and join school activities with you all , cant go around the school , cant always say ''hello'' to you all , cant saw you all manja-manja already , cant saw you all smile , cant saw you all cry or laugh , cant do all the things i usually done with you guys ........and alot of other things , everyone will finish secondary school with spm as the end .....when that time , sure you all will get same feeling like me ......
i will miss you all , all the good memories i will keep in mind , all the knowledge and teaching you all give to me , all the gifts you all give to me , and many and many ....
i will appreciate the rest of time that i can be with you all .....thanks you all ,teachers , brothers , sisters all just like my brothers and sisters......
thanks you all for accompany me for this five years , four years , three years , two years , and this is the last years 2010 .
i dont know what can i say already , really really thanks to you all because be my teachers , and brothers and sisters .....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
ucapan masa majlis perpisahan tingkatan lima
Terima kasih saudari pengerusi majlis.
Yang berusaha tuan pengetua, penolong kanan pentadbiran, penolong kanan ko-kurikulum, penolong kanan hal-ehwal murid, guru-guru kanan mata pelajaran, para guru dan rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang dihormati sekalian.
Selamat petang dan Salam 1 Malaysia.
Terlebih dahulu , saya ingin mengucapkan ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak sekolah kerana memberi peluang kepada saya untuk mengucap sepatah dua kata pada hari ini .Seperti yang kita sedia maklum , pada hari yang mulia ini , kita akan mengadakan majlis perpisahan tingkatan lima tahun 2010.
Kebanyakan daripada kita semuanya memasuki sekolah menengah kebangsaan pengkalan lebai man pada tahun 2006 , tepat-tepat lima tahun kita berada di sekolah ini. Jadi apakah pandangan anda terhadap sekolah ini ? Saya menyuarakan pandangan saya dahulu .
Pada mula-mula saya mendaftar ke sekolah ini , banyak cikgu-cikgu sekolah rendah dan warga luar memberitahu saya bahawa sekolah ini tidak begitu bagus ,tetapi oleh disebabkan sebab tertentu , saya telah ditakdirkan untuk berlajar di sekolah .Dan disinilah saya menjalankan kehidupan yang baru .
Mula-mulanya saya memanglah berasa takut untuk memasuki sekolah ini ,tetapi selepas setengah tahun saya belajar disini , saya berasa pandangan-pandangan warga luar tidak berapa betul. Sebernanya cikgu-cikgu di sekolah ini memang cukup bagus dan dedikasi . Guru-guru sentiasa bersedia untuk mengajar dan membantu kita. Bila kita menghadapi masalah dalam pelajaran, guru-guru sentiasa mengalu-alukan kita berjumpa dengan mereka. Selain itu, guru-guru di sekolah ini juga selalu berusaha untuk menaikan prestasi akademik kita .Guru-guru selalu mencetak kertas latih tubi untuk kita ,tetapi kadang kala kita pula mensia-siakan niat baik para guru .
Selain itu , kita juga harus bersyukur kerana mendapat seorang pengetua yang sangat rajin dan baik.Selalunya kita akan nampak pengetua berada di foyer dan memerhati perubahan sekeliling sekolah dan cuba mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi .Selain itu , pengetua juga bersembang dan berkawan dengan kita seperti ayah kita .
Seterusnya , kita juga mempunyai penolong kanan pentadbiran ,penolong kanan kokurikulum,dan penolong kanan hal-ehwal murid yang cukup berkebolehan.Penolong kanan pentadbiran adalah seorang guru yang serius dalam setiap perkara.Sebagai contohnya , cikgu selalu memerhati kemajuan kita dalam bidang akademik dan berbincang dengan guru-guru sekalian untuk meningkatkan prestasi kita .Penolong kanan kokurikulum pula memberikan sepenuh pemerhatiannya kepada bidang kokurikulum kita .Cikgu selau mengalakkan kita melibatkan diri dalam bidang kokurikulum supaya kita dapat markah bonus untuk memasuki IPTA .Penolong hal-ehwal murid , saya rasa semua yang duduk disini kenal dengan beliau.Cikgu seumpama penjaga kita semasa kita di sekolah dan beliau sangat mengambil berat tentang kita.Walaupun cikgu nampaknya garang , tetapi selepas lama berkomunikasi , cikgu agak mesra juga .
Tahun ini merupakan tahun terakhir kita berada di sekolah ini ,jadi marilah kita mengharumkan nama sekolah dengan mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dalam SPM dan tidak menghampakan para guru.
Hari ini menjual jagung ,
Hari esok menjual jelai ,
Hari ini kita berkampung ,
Hari esok kita bercerai .
Tetapi hubungan kita tidak akan putus selama-lamanya dengan adanya telephone , facebook dan teknologi lain-lain.
Saya juga ambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Cikgu Tengku (cikgu kesayangan kita )yang telah banyak membantu dan mengajar kita .
Sebelum saya mengundurkan diri , saya ingin meminta-maaf banyak banyak sekiranya saya ada tersilap kata atas ucapan saya sebentar tadi .
Sekian terima kasih .
Thursday, September 9, 2010
peperiksaan percubaan
10/9/2010 such a long time i no come to my blog and renew it already .....however when i get free time i will come to renew my blog ....write until here 1st time continue ...
Friday, July 2, 2010
你可以从短短的五分钟开始,然后逐渐延长你的耐心的容忍度。刚开始的时候,不妨告诉自己:“好,接下来这五分钟,我不要对任何事情生气,我要保持耐 心。”你将会有惊人的发现。保持耐心的企图,尤其是你知道只要忍耐一下子,就会立刻加强耐心的容忍度。耐心是那种食髓知味的特质,你将会发现,你确实有能 力保持耐心,即使时间长一点也可以。日子久了以后,你甚至会变成一个租有耐心的人。
我家有小孩,所以我有许多机会可以练习耐心的艺术。例如,有一天我在打一通重要的电话时,我两个女儿也同时在旁边问我问题,我对自己说:“现在是保持 耐心的大好时机。接下来这半个小时,我要尽可能保持耐心(瞧,我下过苦工,已经可以维持三十分钟了)!”结果真的奏效了,而且是在我们家奏效了。当我保持 镇定,不让自己生气或懊恼时,我就可以冷静而坚定地指挥孩子的行为,这比发怒有效多了。这个让心灵朝耐心努力的简单动作,比生气时更能让我停留在此时此 刻,因为我不再钻牛角尖,懊恼这种情况以前已经发生过,觉得自己好像烈士一般。此外,我的耐心似乎具有传染性,它们安抚了孩子的焦急,孩子于是自己决定, 吵闹着不好玩。
有耐心让我得以维持平衡。即使在困难的情势中,我还记得,自己面对的是什么,我眼前的挑战不是性命牧关的“生或死”,只是一个必须处理的小障碍。没有 耐心的话,一件小事就会化为紧急大事,以嘶吼、挫折、伤感情、和高血压收场。这样真是不值得。不论你是需要跟孩子、上司、或一个不可理喻的人。还是情势打 交道,如果你不想“为小事抓狂”.改进你的耐心功力,是一个最佳办法.现在就开始吧。
yup ......anything happen we also need be patient .......we must be patient and think what is the best step that we can take ........hehe......patient is a good and perfect way to keep us happy and avoid we from making wrong decision ......
Sunday, June 27, 2010
你的功课是试着决定你生命中遭遇到的人们,究竟要教你什么心得。如果这么做,你就会发现,自己变得比较不会因为他人的行为或不完美,而感到烦恼、生 气、或挫折。你真的可以习惯用这种态度来面对人生,这么做只会让你感到庆幸,绝不会后悔。你一旦发现别人教了你什么,通常就比较容易消除你的挫折感。比 方,你去邮局办事,办事员似乎故意慢吞吞的。不要感到挫折,只要问自己下面这个问题:“他究竟想教我什么?”或许你需要学习同情心,了解做一份自己不喜欢 的工作有多痛苦!或者你也可以变得更有耐心。排队正是你练习打破不耐烦习惯的绝佳机会。
dont always think about the weakness or bad happening ? we must always appreciate what was carry on now .....besides that we also dont be too emotional ,anything happen we also need be patient and take a proper way to solve it ......
the end .....
Thursday, June 24, 2010
my parents are very happy when i done something to them
24/6/2010 : on 20/6/2010 is father's day .on that day after i back from school i go to nearest market to buy an ice-cream .....that ice-cream only cost RM1.80....before i gave it to my father i afraid my father will said me waste money .....but what i assumed all not happen at all .....when i gave the ice-cream to my father my father felt very happy ......when saw my father so happy me also feel very happy....from this cases that i learned that prizes is not counted by how much it cost but is our sincere ......
after few days that is my mother birthday .......on that day i done the samething also .....i buy the same ice-cream for my mum mum also very happy .....i also very happy at that time .........
so at here i also want encourage everyone.......when our home get any ceremony,we must attends dont make our parent felt that they are ignored......
remember parents only get two ..that is mum and dad ....if want more also can ......we must appreciate them before too late ......
the end ...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
毫无疑问的,我们之中有许多人都十分精通神经质艺术,浪费生命去忧虑各种事情。我们容许过去的问题和未来的忧虑主宰我们目前的时光,结果我们就变得焦 虑不安、挫折沮丧、了无希望。另一方面,我们也延迟我们的满足,我们的优先顺序,以及我们的幸福,去说服自己“总有一天”会比今天更好,不幸的是,告诉我 们期待未来的相同心理机制只会一再重复,结果“总有一天”从未真正到来。约翰•蓝侬曾经说过:“生命就是我们忙着做其他计划的时候,所发生的一切。”当我 们忙着做“其他计画”时,我们的孩子也忙着长大,我们所爱的人正在逐渐远离死去,我们的身体不知不觉地变形,我们的梦想也偷偷溜走。换句话说,我们错过了 人生。
许多人把生命当作对以后某个日期的彩排来活。人生不是这样的。其实,没有人可以保证,明天他或她还会在这里。现在是我们拥有的唯一时刻,也是我们所能 控制的唯一时光。当我们把注意力放在当下时,我们就能够把恐惧从心底排除出去。恐惧是忧虑未来可能发生的种种,例如,我们将不会有足够的金钱、我们的孩子 会惹出麻烦、我们会老会死等等。
dont always concentrated on what already happen or not being happen (future)........we should concentrated on what are going on now and try our best to do the best .....dont make ourself stressful .......
remember not all the happening is expected by us ......all let the god to done it .......what we can done it try our best only ...........hehe
write until this part 1st .........continue when get free time ........relax and happy go through every day .........remember 别为小事抓狂.........
the end
Friday, June 18, 2010
we must be appreciate what we are having now ........we always feel that others is being better then what we are having now this can make us stressful to have a happy life ,we must learn how to appreciate ,then anything will become wonderful and better......
until here time post again ......bye bye
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
happy holidays
8-6-2010 today already the third day of school holidays this three day i am very happy because everyday whole family will stay together ,chatting,eating,playing and other ..........besides that , every evening my family will go to exercise together ..........this is the life style that i hope and i want very much .....
i am hoping that ,after 10 years ,i still can having this kind of life style ....happy and enjoy life style make me feel very comfortable and mentally support ........happy life is can't buy using money we must be appreciate what we had now and don't too matterealistic ......
Sunday, May 16, 2010
ucapan hari guru 2010
16/5/2010 Terima kasih saudari pengerusi majlis.
Yang berusaha tuan pengetua, penolong kanan pentadbiran, penolong kanan ko-kurikulum, penolong kanan hal-ehwal murid, guru-guru kanan mata pelajaran, para guru dan rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang dihormati sekalian.
Selamat pagi dan Salam 1 Malaysia.
Kita sedia maklum, semua sekolah di seluruh Malaysia menyambut hari guru pada hari ini. Begitu juga dengan sekolah kita. Bersempena sambutan hari guru peringkat sekolah, saya diberi peluang untuk menyampaikan sepatah dua kata.
"Sesungguhnya tanggal 16 Mei amat penting dan sangat bermakna untuk kita meraikan guru-guru yang telah banyak berjasa kepada kita. Inilah waktu terbaik untuk kita luahkan setinggi-tinggi rasa terima kasih, penghargaan dan penghormatan terhadap mereka yang telah banyak berbudi kepada agama, bangsa dan juga Negara.’’
Bidang perguruan merupakan profesion yang amat mulia. Tanpa guru, pasti hari ini saya tidak dapat berucap di sini, bahkan para ilmuwan dan pakar-pakar lain juga tidak dapat dilahirkan. Guru adalah aset yang sangat penting dalam sesebuah negara.
Guru seumpama ibu dan bapa kepada kita kerana kita berada di bawah jagaan mereka hampir tujuh hingga lapan jam pada setiap hari persekolahan. Sekiranya kita sakit atau menghadapi sebarang masalah, gurulah insan pertama akan menolong kita.
Selain itu, guru-guru di sekolah ini sangat berdedikasi dan bertanggungjawab dalam melayani pelbagai karenah dan masalah yang ditimbulkan oleh kita. Walaupun sebahagian dari kita begitu nakal, guru-guru masih bersabar dan terus memberikan tunjuk ajar kepada kita agar kita menjadi manusia yang berguna dan berjaya.
Saya yakin rakan-rakan semua pasti tidak lupa kes pergaduhan yang berlangsung selama seminggu dalam beberapa minggu lepas. Pada minggu tersebut, setiap hari guru-guru turun untuk menjaga kita bagi mengelakkan pergaduhan . Kita bukan anak mereka, dan kita juga tidak mempunyai pertalian darah dengan guru. Kenapa guru bersusah payah menjaga kita?
Jawapannya mudah, kerana semua guru sayangkan kita dan menganggap kita sebagai anak-anak mereka. Sebagai contoh, apabila kita menyertai aktiviti luar, guru sanggup meluangkan masa bahkan meninggalkan ahli keluarga sementara waktu untuk menemani dan menjaga kita. Pengorbanan guru memang tidak dapat dinilai dengan wang ringgit.
Saya rasa rakan-rakan juga tahu bahawa warga luar atau masyarakat di luar sana beranggapan sekolah kita merupakan sekolah kelas bawahan. Kenapa mereka berfikiran demikian? Sebenarnya masalah tersebut berpunca dari diri kita sendiri. Renung-renungkan lah...
Walau apapun anggapan masyarakat di luar sana, guru-guru tidak berputus asa dan terus mengajar kita. Janganlah kita kecewakan guru-guru kita lagi, marilah kita bersama-sama belajar dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh supaya mendapat keputusan yang baik dan cemerlang.
Guru-guru juga sentiasa bersedia untuk mengajar dan membantu kita. Bila kita menghadapi masalah dalam pelajaran, guru-guru sentiasa mengalu-alukan kita berjumpa dengan mereka. Tidak seorang guru pun yang tidak mahu mengajar atau membantu kita. Masalahnya ialah kita sendiri, mahu belajar atau tidak. Kita bukannya tak pandai. Pilihan di tangan kita sendiri. Tepuk dada tanya selera.
Saya menyeru kawan-kawan semua, marilah kita bersama-sama belajar dengan bersungguh-sungguh, kita kurangkan aktiviti merayau and bergaduh.
Disini saya mempunyai sebuah sajak yang ingin disampaikan kepada semua guru yang disayangi.
Dengan rasa syukur di Hari Guru ini
mengenang pengorbananmu setiap saat dalam kehidupan kami,
setiap hari tanpa jemu membimbing kami,
Menggunung tinggi harapan disandarkan,
kau pancarkan cahaya
Jutaan terima kasih atas kasih sayang dan perhatian mu
Jasa mu guru tidak terbalas...kami kenang ke akhir hayat
Saya mewakili semua murid Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pengkalan Lebai Man mengucapkan
Saturday, May 8, 2010
happy mother days .......
8/5/2010 tomorrow is mother's day already ....what are you decide to do for your mum already done what i need to done that is help my mum in doing housework ......besides that me also buy a prize for my mum when i visit to muzium padi ........
this is what i read for my email .....
one day a teacher ask his student some question :1st question :a girl who is very pretty and kind ,therefore get one man is very love she.But one time the girl face an accident ,and her pretty was spoilt.So based on your opinion you feel the man still love this girl as before ?teacher give three choice A.yes C.may be
A .get 20% student B.30% C.50%
then the teacher ask second question :a man who is very rich and get one girl is very love him.But one day he was meet a problem at his business and because of that he was do you feel the girl will love the man as before ? A.yes C.may be
A.get 30% B.50% C.20%
after this teacher say that in the situation 1 means in 1st question,the girl is the man daughter .so what is your answer .
in situation 2 means second question.the girl is the man mother .so what is your answer.
then all the student change their answer to A is the final answer ......
so from here we know that parents loves was uncountable it can say as high as hill,as large as sky .Parent are the persons who we must believe and respect them ..
hope you all enjoy to read this
this is what i read for my email .....
one day a teacher ask his student some question :1st question :a girl who is very pretty and kind ,therefore get one man is very love she.But one time the girl face an accident ,and her pretty was spoilt.So based on your opinion you feel the man still love this girl as before ?teacher give three choice A.yes C.may be
A .get 20% student B.30% C.50%
then the teacher ask second question :a man who is very rich and get one girl is very love him.But one day he was meet a problem at his business and because of that he was do you feel the girl will love the man as before ? A.yes C.may be
A.get 30% B.50% C.20%
after this teacher say that in the situation 1 means in 1st question,the girl is the man daughter .so what is your answer .
in situation 2 means second question.the girl is the man mother .so what is your answer.
then all the student change their answer to A is the final answer ......
so from here we know that parents loves was uncountable it can say as high as hill,as large as sky .Parent are the persons who we must believe and respect them ..
hope you all enjoy to read this
Thursday, May 6, 2010
alor star one day trip
6/5/2010 today i had attend a trip visit to alor star .......first we go visit there i chat with them and they look like afraid and not so comfortable .......however this was a nice experience ........
then we visit to pusat sain malaysia was the most excited place here i try many many application that get connection to physic biology chemistry ..........i was very happy because get chance to meet all the application that i never see or know before me also take many picture with my friends ........i will upload the picture and share the experience together .......
lastly we visit to muzium padi .......this is the second time i visit to there there we sat on a rounded chair then the chair will slowly turn round and i enjoy the wall painting .......based on what i heard this wall painting is painted by korean painter .......however this was a very nice painting .......
me really happy with this time trip ......because i know how to enjoy a trip and forget about mydelf and enjoy the whole trip ............thanks all teachers that accompany we go ......and all lebai man teacher and pentadbiran that give us a chance to had this trip .......
lebai man is the best ........
then we visit to pusat sain malaysia was the most excited place here i try many many application that get connection to physic biology chemistry ..........i was very happy because get chance to meet all the application that i never see or know before me also take many picture with my friends ........i will upload the picture and share the experience together .......
lastly we visit to muzium padi .......this is the second time i visit to there there we sat on a rounded chair then the chair will slowly turn round and i enjoy the wall painting .......based on what i heard this wall painting is painted by korean painter .......however this was a very nice painting .......
me really happy with this time trip ......because i know how to enjoy a trip and forget about mydelf and enjoy the whole trip ............thanks all teachers that accompany we go ......and all lebai man teacher and pentadbiran that give us a chance to had this trip .......
lebai man is the best ........
Thursday, April 29, 2010
birthday party
30/4/2010 yesterday i held a birthday party for my friend but now i also dont know why one of my friend still want quarrel and done something something .......i feel very tired already already done my best i feel that already enough for ..........what i want is enjoy and happy why she still want quarrel ......haiz yo
Monday, March 29, 2010
27/3/2010 MBS Gathering
27/3/2010 we have attend a gathering in 27 march .....we go there by bus ....
we all were very enjoy in this gathering .....the most enjoy time was when free dance .......
wow ...when free dance all were danced eventhough know to dance or not all were like monkey include me also hahahaha.....
in this gathering we win a prizes , that is second runner up .all members were very happy and when i saw them so happy me also happy hope next time we will win more prizes .....remember cooperation is the best lo .....
after the campfire we were going to shopping at Gurney Plaza .....we stay at here almost one hour and half only because the bus drive said he got something to do after this .....therefore most of members were dissapointed with this problem.........however after this they still very enjoy and happy with this activity .......
MBS Gathering was very fun and enjoyable
Thursday, March 18, 2010
party for scout and celebrate all members that birthday in march
18/3/2010 today i held a party in my house ,the purpose i held this party is for celebrate the birthday of all members that birthday which on march and my team win an competition when december 2009 and we participant in the marching competition when hari sukan .......
all members came when 8.00 pm and after that we start our party ....
today i felt very happy because i saw all members came and back from this party with happily ...this is what i want before this and forever , hope you all happy everyday ........
happy birthday to all members and hope you all will be more better after this and forever .......
hope you all enjoy this party , at here i also want say sorry to all members because i no held any activities for you all in this party ,however you all still cooperate with me .........thanks thanks thanks
Friday, March 12, 2010
lose in the competition
11/3/2010 to day is my school sport day my team get involve in marching competition ......
this competition only get three team join only .....that is scout ,kadet polis and kadet remaja sekolah....
this time all memebers are very hope that we can win in the competition .....but when the result come out .........the winner is kadet polis.....
firstly we all were very shock we go to ask the teacher .....
so from there we know that the teacher say our hormat kanan skill wrong already ......then we lost many marks at there........
this time my team lose but i feel that we win something that more important than the prizes ......that is team work spirit .....
dont give up ,next year we win back give them see......believe yourself ,we can do that .......
next year remember win back the prizes .........:D
this competition only get three team join only .....that is scout ,kadet polis and kadet remaja sekolah....
this time all memebers are very hope that we can win in the competition .....but when the result come out .........the winner is kadet polis.....
firstly we all were very shock we go to ask the teacher .....
so from there we know that the teacher say our hormat kanan skill wrong already ......then we lost many marks at there........
this time my team lose but i feel that we win something that more important than the prizes ......that is team work spirit .....
dont give up ,next year we win back give them see......believe yourself ,we can do that .......
next year remember win back the prizes .........:D
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
an accident
10/3/2010 today i get know that two of my friends met an accident .......the boy i heard he is nothing ........but the girl more serious...
me and three of my friends were going to hospital to visit she and getting know how is she now the hospital she was crying because she felt very pain ......however after we all chatting she become more happy .....
after 30 minutes like that we were going back when she went back to her house .........we went to visit and chat with she again......this time she was more better already because she already can quarrel with me and know to smile already next time please becarefull lo
so at here i want to tell she that next time please becarefull when on the road ......hope she will recover faster ....take care yourself
me and three of my friends were going to hospital to visit she and getting know how is she now the hospital she was crying because she felt very pain ......however after we all chatting she become more happy .....
after 30 minutes like that we were going back when she went back to her house .........we went to visit and chat with she again......this time she was more better already because she already can quarrel with me and know to smile already next time please becarefull lo
so at here i want to tell she that next time please becarefull when on the road ......hope she will recover faster ....take care yourself
Thursday, February 25, 2010
exam week .............damn sienz
25/2/2010 today is the last day of exam really very tired lo ......every time after exam i need sleep at least 12hours to make me become powerful again ..........wakakakakakaka.........
on the exam week i do not get chance to open my facebook ..........miss all my facebook friends ............hahahahaha
hoipe me can get good result in exam la .........hopefully ........wakakakaka
good result come , good result come ...........wakakakakaka
on the exam week i do not get chance to open my facebook ..........miss all my facebook friends ............hahahahaha
hoipe me can get good result in exam la .........hopefully ........wakakakaka
good result come , good result come ...........wakakakakaka
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
three day two night at my grandparents house
15-17.2.2010 this three days i spent all the time at my grandparents house......
i feel very tired when stay at there because the weather got some problem .......when afternoon there was ad hot as doing (sona)......when night there was as cold as stay at ice hill ............hahahahahaha
at there i felt boring because cant online at there i was nothing to do ...........only chatting with my cousin and uncle auntie.........~.~
however i felt that i must go back to visit my grandparent because this is piety.........hahahahahaha
hope all happy with chinese new year ...........gong xi fa cai .........~.~
i feel very tired when stay at there because the weather got some problem .......when afternoon there was ad hot as doing (sona)......when night there was as cold as stay at ice hill ............hahahahahaha
at there i felt boring because cant online at there i was nothing to do ...........only chatting with my cousin and uncle auntie.........~.~
however i felt that i must go back to visit my grandparent because this is piety.........hahahahahaha
hope all happy with chinese new year ...........gong xi fa cai .........~.~
Saturday, February 13, 2010
hahahahaha..........chinese new year is coming now
14/2/2010 today is the 1st day of chinese new year .........hahahahaha
i am so curious that tomorrow will get any activity .........~.~
me no sleep for one day because of ..........syok .........wakakakakaka
dont know how all my friends celebrate the chinese new year ?........hope they also happy like me lo ........hehehehe
me hope that all my friends , teachers , cousin , family , enjoy this chinese new year ..........~.~
gong xi fa cai to all my friends , teachers , cousins , families ........wakakaka
give me ang pao........give me ang pao ............wakakakakaka
i am so curious that tomorrow will get any activity .........~.~
me no sleep for one day because of ..........syok .........wakakakakaka
dont know how all my friends celebrate the chinese new year ?........hope they also happy like me lo ........hehehehe
me hope that all my friends , teachers , cousin , family , enjoy this chinese new year ..........~.~
gong xi fa cai to all my friends , teachers , cousins , families ........wakakaka
give me ang pao........give me ang pao ............wakakakakaka
Thursday, February 11, 2010
11/2/2010 scout activity before chinese new year
11/2/2010 today we got activity as usual besides of marching we also celebrated the coming of CHINESE NEW YEAR ..........
all ajk bought three box of oranges..........then when 5.00 pm we gave all the members ate the oranges ................wakakakakaka
today also got one of the ex-member came visited us .........hahahahaha.....
she came here and took many picture with us ..........~.~..........besides that she also joined the activity ........~.~
hope fully after the chinese new year all the members can get free time to join all the activity ............
thanks to all the members that always give their full support to scout ...........~.~...........
gong xi fa cai and always and happy always
all ajk bought three box of oranges..........then when 5.00 pm we gave all the members ate the oranges ................wakakakakaka
today also got one of the ex-member came visited us .........hahahahaha.....
she came here and took many picture with us ..........~.~..........besides that she also joined the activity ........~.~
hope fully after the chinese new year all the members can get free time to join all the activity ............
thanks to all the members that always give their full support to scout ...........~.~...........
gong xi fa cai and always and happy always
Sunday, February 7, 2010
8/2/2010 a very busy day .........~.~
8/2/2010 today i feel very tired because today get so many homeworks.........
besides that today my school teachers had a meeting so i need go class call all the prefect to control the students.....
luckily all the guru displin had come to help us to control all the students .......thanks all teachers
hope fully that i can finish my homeworks and can do my jobs with full responsibility ............
happy chinese new year is coming soon brother also will come back to hometown happy because i will be meet my brother and play games with he ...............wakakakakaka
gong xi fa cai and happy chinese new year to all my family,sibling ,cousin,teachers ,friends,and all other friends that i know them .............
besides that today my school teachers had a meeting so i need go class call all the prefect to control the students.....
luckily all the guru displin had come to help us to control all the students .......thanks all teachers
hope fully that i can finish my homeworks and can do my jobs with full responsibility ............
happy chinese new year is coming soon brother also will come back to hometown happy because i will be meet my brother and play games with he ...............wakakakakaka
gong xi fa cai and happy chinese new year to all my family,sibling ,cousin,teachers ,friends,and all other friends that i know them .............
Thursday, February 4, 2010
4/2/2010 scout activity
4/2/2010 today was a raining day scout had our activity as usual ............
today i were training ahli lama marching and some teach ahli baru .............
ahli baru this year were not so clever but i feel one day they will be more better than me because they are very hardworking to learning what they do not know .........
because of them i feel i need help them and teach them how to practice all the skill ......
so this time ahli lama were come into trouble .......
ahli lama need practice the skill with ahli lama ...........besides that if ahli baru cant catch up we all no need rest include me also join to practice ...............
however all the ahli were very cooperate and all done what i want .......but not so good yet la ............but i feel this was the first step ..........
so next time may be ahli lama will get more trouble .............wakakakaka.......
thanks all my members ..............hopefully that you all will know why i want do like this .....
i do like this because i want all members will share all the best and bad thing ........easy say is cooperation ................
thanks for accompany me and join all the activity ..............
thanks you all
today i were training ahli lama marching and some teach ahli baru .............
ahli baru this year were not so clever but i feel one day they will be more better than me because they are very hardworking to learning what they do not know .........
because of them i feel i need help them and teach them how to practice all the skill ......
so this time ahli lama were come into trouble .......
ahli lama need practice the skill with ahli lama ...........besides that if ahli baru cant catch up we all no need rest include me also join to practice ...............
however all the ahli were very cooperate and all done what i want .......but not so good yet la ............but i feel this was the first step ..........
so next time may be ahli lama will get more trouble .............wakakakaka.......
thanks all my members ..............hopefully that you all will know why i want do like this .....
i do like this because i want all members will share all the best and bad thing ........easy say is cooperation ................
thanks for accompany me and join all the activity ..............
thanks you all
Saturday, January 30, 2010
30/1/2010 today get scout activity as usual ..............
today get something different because today except from marching we also play some game .........
all members are very cooperation while playing the game and all were very tired after playing all the game include me.........wakakakakaka
however anything we done must get positive and negative effect we need to see either the positive effect is the major or negative effect .........i can saw this time activity is very successful because most of the members are very happy ...........
this time the number of members who attend the activity was not so good ........but i hope they will know their false and join all the activity ...............hopefully
Saturday, January 23, 2010
hari perlantikan ketua pengawas
24/1/2010 today my school had a majlis perlantikan ketua pengawas..........and today also the day that i become head of prefect .........~.~
and at here i also want thanks to all teachers because help me control all the student........
thanks to all teachers and student
hope 2010 will be better
i feel very happy and i hope i can carry out my duty with fully responsibility
besides that i hope all student will give their full cooperation to me ............and at here i also want thanks to all teachers because help me control all the student........
thanks to all teachers and student
hope 2010 will be better
Friday, January 22, 2010
23/1/2010 today my school organize HARI MERENTAS DESA ...........besides of merentas desa ,we also participant in one activity that is tug-of-war competition ........
scout out three team to participant in this competition .............but we do not win any prize ,if give to other i feel this may be a sad event ..........but giving to me i feel that is a great event because in this game all members are cooperate with each other to try their best to win .......
this is what i want for my scout team .........cooperation ...............if get cooperation any thing also we can done it ....................
from this activity i feel very very happy and i feel so touch because of them ..............wakakaka
i hope this spirit will not lose .........................i love you all ...........wakakakakaka
thanks lo all my members eventhough to all the members that no chance to join ...............
hopefully all will happy with this game............~.~
scout out three team to participant in this competition .............but we do not win any prize ,if give to other i feel this may be a sad event ..........but giving to me i feel that is a great event because in this game all members are cooperate with each other to try their best to win .......
this is what i want for my scout team .........cooperation ...............if get cooperation any thing also we can done it ....................
from this activity i feel very very happy and i feel so touch because of them ..............wakakaka
i hope this spirit will not lose .........................i love you all ...........wakakakakaka
thanks lo all my members eventhough to all the members that no chance to join ...............
hopefully all will happy with this game............~.~
Thursday, January 21, 2010
sorry sorry and sorry
21/1/2010 today get activities so i training them marching ..........i train all the old members and one of my friends trains new members .....
at old members team they no get anything happen ,and also very happy because i not too strict and they very give their cooperation .......thanks all my members
but at new members there.......there meet a big problem ........all the new members are forget what they have learn before so after that who teach them was angry and very fierce to them this time i feel very sad and worry because all new members only form 1 and all are small in side but they always get punishment now i feel very sad and i really really feel very sorry to all my members ..............
thanks you all for coming and i will try my best to help you all ...........
when i saw them like that i feel very sad and sad .........this because i am very like child and this all punishment is too heavy to them .............
what i want is their cooperation and they are happy come to activity ............haiz...........i am very very sorry to them ...............hope you all will be better and no any budy injured ....
this is 1st time i get this kind of feeling ..............all them are so cute but also forgetful i hope they will train more better and i will try dont give them get this kind of punishment again......
when i give punishment to old members also not too heavy .....................and also sometime i will get the punishment together with them .................i doing this because i want try all the bad and good thing in my members then i can control and get their cooperation easily.............
really sorry to all of them ........sorry ..............
at old members team they no get anything happen ,and also very happy because i not too strict and they very give their cooperation .......thanks all my members
but at new members there.......there meet a big problem ........all the new members are forget what they have learn before so after that who teach them was angry and very fierce to them this time i feel very sad and worry because all new members only form 1 and all are small in side but they always get punishment now i feel very sad and i really really feel very sorry to all my members ..............
thanks you all for coming and i will try my best to help you all ...........
when i saw them like that i feel very sad and sad .........this because i am very like child and this all punishment is too heavy to them .............
what i want is their cooperation and they are happy come to activity ............haiz...........i am very very sorry to them ...............hope you all will be better and no any budy injured ....
this is 1st time i get this kind of feeling ..............all them are so cute but also forgetful i hope they will train more better and i will try dont give them get this kind of punishment again......
when i give punishment to old members also not too heavy .....................and also sometime i will get the punishment together with them .................i doing this because i want try all the bad and good thing in my members then i can control and get their cooperation easily.............
really sorry to all of them ........sorry ..............
Saturday, January 16, 2010
1st scout outdoor activity (gotong-royong)
17/1/2010 today get an outdoor activity that is gotong-royong at bandar perdana .........~.~
this activity participant by 20 person .............combine together old and new members
1st outdoor activity was very fun i was enjoy that because all my members were very enjoying about that ............some of my members say very tired but they still very happy because all members are work in group and give their full cooperation ................
i feel very very proud to them lo ...........hahahahaha..........hope next time outdoor activity will get more members go ....................
thanks lo all my members .........(arigator)...............hahahahaha
the members who cant attend this activity ,i hope next time they will join and get involve in this big big and happy family.................hehe.............~.~
Friday, January 15, 2010
1st day activity
16/1/2010 today is the 1st day of scout activity .............
start from 8.00am to 12.00 pm ........then when 9.00am get break for half hour .........:D
the number of the members that present is almost >50........if no wrong la
old members get 30 and above and new members is 20 and above
to day we done marching activity 1st because i forget that today need introduce all the ajk.............pai se...............wakakakakaka
1st day get this result make me feel very happy because get so many members present ...........
thanks for all my members
i hope that next time activity also get so many members present ...................thanks lo all my members
gong xi fa cai and thanks again to all my members ......................:D
start from 8.00am to 12.00 pm ........then when 9.00am get break for half hour .........:D
the number of the members that present is almost >50........if no wrong la
old members get 30 and above and new members is 20 and above
to day we done marching activity 1st because i forget that today need introduce all the ajk.............pai se...............wakakakakaka
1st day get this result make me feel very happy because get so many members present ...........
thanks for all my members
i hope that next time activity also get so many members present ...................thanks lo all my members
gong xi fa cai and thanks again to all my members ......................:D
pretty actress
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
ai yoyo .........trouble problem
14/1/2010 to day me discuss with all my members about the activities time ............
so now we start the activities in this saturday from 8.00am to 12.00pm......
but after that get many members come ask tell me that they get tuition and cant attend the activities .............haiz..........
hope fully after this saturday this problem will settle because i call all the members must come to this 1st activity on this saturday and then we all will discuss and follow the time that agree by majority numbers of members.............
hope all my members will give their cooperation and try their best to attend all the activities .......
so now we start the activities in this saturday from 8.00am to 12.00pm......
but after that get many members come ask tell me that they get tuition and cant attend the activities .............haiz..........
hope fully after this saturday this problem will settle because i call all the members must come to this 1st activity on this saturday and then we all will discuss and follow the time that agree by majority numbers of members.............
hope all my members will give their cooperation and try their best to attend all the activities .......
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 case already happen
13/1/2010 today my school get one case that is one student's keys missing
base on what she say her keys were taken by her classmate but she dont know who are that ................
so after that i was going to her class room and gave them warning but also cant do anything because no one saw who took her keys
so after that ,teacher was helping to solve this case and started (spot check).......
after spot check teacher also cant find anything ........ feel sorry because cant help she (lim li yan) ...........i know she was very worry but she still smile and act like not thing happen ...........besides that i also get know that she get cry but only one or two minutes i feel she was a very brave girl.........
hope the student who try to disturb she will give back her keys .............
hope she will no too worry about that lo..........
base on what she say her keys were taken by her classmate but she dont know who are that ................
so after that i was going to her class room and gave them warning but also cant do anything because no one saw who took her keys
so after that ,teacher was helping to solve this case and started (spot check).......
after spot check teacher also cant find anything ........ feel sorry because cant help she (lim li yan) ...........i know she was very worry but she still smile and act like not thing happen ...........besides that i also get know that she get cry but only one or two minutes i feel she was a very brave girl.........
hope the student who try to disturb she will give back her keys .............
hope she will no too worry about that lo..........
Monday, January 11, 2010
my brother go kuantan
12/1/2010........last night my brother already go to kuantan ....................he go to kuantan by bas and start the journey at 8.15pm..............
hope my brother can go back to sp when chinese new year.............. :)...................~.~
hope my brother can go back to sp when chinese new year.............. :)...................~.~
Sunday, January 3, 2010
first day go back to school
3/1/2010 today is the first day i go back to feel happy when meet my friends and teachers........but i also feel sad because spm is coming soon.........haiz...........need study again already get so much time to play already lo.........
however if i get time i will online and chat with my friends in msn and facebook...........~.~...........
hopefully i will get free time to play lo........~.~
however if i get time i will online and chat with my friends in msn and facebook...........~.~...........
hopefully i will get free time to play lo........~.~
Saturday, January 2, 2010
going back to school
2/1/2010 tomorrow need go back to school already.....i need face a very important exam that is spm...........haiz......because of this exam my playing time will be reduce.............
tomorrow also i will meet back all my friends and teachers.............this make me feel happy ..........~.~..........
hope new year get new success ,new dreams ,new good good good luck.........wakakakaka
tomorrow also i will meet back all my friends and teachers.............this make me feel happy ..........~.~..........
hope new year get new success ,new dreams ,new good good good luck.........wakakakaka
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