1. If i get color blind, is that will be blocking the way i want to be doctor, pharmacist, and other courses of medical field? Can i get the list of fees for all the courses?
You are recommended to get a full medical report and understand your eyes condition,then read the terms and conditions stated during course application or call up or walk in to ask personally. For example if a person get red green colour blind,then high probability that the person cannot enrol into the medicine,pharmacy,dentistry etc where the jobs that need to differentiate colours. Nevertheless, you should not give up! There are many ways to reach your dream. Dream could be changed to suit your condition. The most important thing is do not give up and do not feel panic.Believe in yourself that you can do it. When there's a will, there's a way!
If you want to know about the fees for all courses, you can go to official website,through e-mail or via call up to ask about your preferred course's fees. You can go to Quan Sheng website (www.quansheng.org) for information(official website, inquiry number and fax number) of all IPTAs.
2. What is the personalities that i must have, if i want get into medical field?
You must be equipped with resilience, sense of responsibility, compassion, love and passion as well as dedication.
3. May i know what is the job after i finish a course called "occupational for safety and health"? Which IPTA get offer this course? What i need to study to finish this course and how many years to finish it?
"Occupational for Safety and Health" includes a wide job scope including manufacturing, construction and education. Safety and health practitioners play their role in promoting occupational health and safety within organizations. They also help prevent harm to workers, property, the environment, and the general public by designing programs to control, eliminate, and prevent disease or injury in the workplace. After graduate, you can choose to work as a safety officer or research officer. If you further your study to master, you can work as a consultant.
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) offers this course- Sarjana Muda Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan dengan Kepujian
It is a 4 years (8 semesters) course. During these 4 years time, you will be studying:
Humanities subject
• Malaysia studies
• Ethic relationship
• Islamic civilization
• Legal and ethics
• Communication
• English
Management subject
• Industrial psychology
• Management information system
• Quality management system
Science subject
• Industrial hygiene
• Fire prevention & protection system
• Hazard recognition & risk management
• Industrial toxicology
• OSH management system
• Toxic & hazardous waste management
• Industrial safety
• Ergonomic
• Construction safety
• Expose management techniques & analysis
• OSH Legislation
• Applied mechanics for safety
• Accident & incident Investigation &analysis
• Human factor safety in engineering
• Process safety & Loss prevention
• Occupational epidemiology and diseases
4. About nutrition and dietetics, if i take this course, in the 4 years time, i need to cook or not? or just plan menu only?
Yes, not just only menu planning, you also need to cook. For dietetics, e.g in Penyediaan Diet Teraputik, students need to design menus for a variety of cases and cook based on the menus that they designed. Professor will make the final assessment. For nutrition, cooking is a must to understand different ingredients with their own cooking method.
5. For forensic course, if i want to study, what is the qualification i must have? Is that i must be a doctor first before get into forensic field?
You no need to study medicine course then get into forensic field unless you want to be forensic pathologist. Forensic scientist is different from forensic pathologist, forensic scientist can't perform autopsy. Only 2 IPTAs provide this course that are UKM and USM. But this year UKM has no enrollment, so if you are interested can go to UKM website for latest information.
Here is the terms and conditions for Sarjana Muda Sains Forensik dengan Kepujian in UKM:
Syarat-syarat kemasukan adalah seperti berikut :
Lulus SPM/Setaraf dengan baik
Lulus dengan kepujian mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu/Malaysia di peringkat SPM/Setaraf
Lulus STPM dengan sekurang-kurangnya :
• Gred B-(NGMP 2.67) mata pelajaran Pengajian Am
• Gred B-(NGMP 2.67) dua (2) mata pelajaran lain
Telah mengambil MUET
Lulus dengan sekurang-kurangnya Gred B-(NGMP 2.67) mata pelajaran berikut :
• Biologi
• Kimia
• Matematik T/Matematik Lanjutan T
Lulus SPM dengan kepujian dalam dua (2) mata pelajaran
sains berikut :
• Biologi
• Kimia
• Matematik
Pengalaman kerja sekurang-kurangnya lima (5) tahun dalam bidang yang berkaitan
Lulus ujian dan temuduga yang ditetapkan
Here is the terms and conditions for
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains
(Kepujian)--Sains Forensik
in USM:
i. Lulus Peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM)
dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B (NGMP 3.00 ) pada
peringkat STPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut :
Pengajian Am •
Mana-mana dua ( 2 ) mata pelajaran berikut• :
Biology •
Physics •
Chemistry •
Mathematics T / Further Mathematics T•
6. When result STPM come out, the deadline for scholarship already over. So, what i need to do, either apply using trial result or other?
Some scholarships accept trial result but some don't. So when you are applying for a scholarship you have to check the eligible criteria. If the deadline has passed, the probability of getting the scholarship is not very high. You can go to this website http://malaysia-scholarship.net/ to check for deadline of all scholarships in Malaysia.
7. Now i study STPM and take biology ones.So, when i continue to university, can i go into business field, like financial?
If you fulfill the basic requirement and special entry requirement of the course, you are eligible to apply. Different universities have their own requirements, so you have to check their requirements if you want to take business course.
Hope the answers are helpful... Good luck in your future undertakings....^^
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